Raw Girl in Japan

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

As I write this I am sat at the Spa Samui, second night in a row actually. Great raw food on the menu, and I am taking advantage of having the opportunity to ‘eat out’. Something that I can rarely do in Tokyo.

Am in my paradise, and am sampling as many juices as I can (even though only day 2). Have been out all day and have had juices throughout at various places. And of course there have been coconuts.

I am in my paradise for a month, but as of Saturday will be studying yoga, so am using my ‘free time’ to head out before the studies begin.

I have raw pizza on the way and am drinking a Wheatgrass Pina Colada, and I have to say it is going down rather smoothly. I may to treat myself to another one.

Seems strange not to be on a schedule. I am not used to it, but am learning not to be checking the time constantly. I love this pace of life. Yes, next week  will have commitments, and times I need to be in class, but will less people, less external things over-stimulating your senses, everything is so much easier.

So, I am wanting to get back on track with this blog. Informing readers of my daily eating habits, new recipes, food knowledge and more about my new role as a Holistic Health Counselor.

For now, I need to get back to my pizza. I know a lady can multitask, but I do not believe in doing anything while eating. Simply sit and enjoy your food.

Triple blog later today.

Am feeling FABULOUS.

Hi there, yes…yes…yes..I am a shocking blogger. I mean to blog, but then….blah, blah, blah.

Have lots to tell, all will be revealed in the next 24 hours. I am recommitting to being a regular blogger. I have met some wonderful people through keeping this blog and I have so much to share. More fabulous photos – so please do not leave.


Let’s not hold back here I have been totally crap – in two ways. Firstly, with the fruit thing. Just hasn’t worked out so far. Secondly, with the blog.

So I plan to start afresh tomorrow. JUNE 11th and I am seeing how long I can live as a fruitarian. Hopefully the entire summer. My schedule changed recently and it has taken a while for some things to fall into place.

The question is, why try for a fruitarian diet, when there is so much goodness in a full raw diet and I already feel pretty good.

  1. Did you observe I wrote ‘pretty good’? I want to sparkle this summer season. I want to be vibrant inside and outside. Move over ‘pretty good’ I want to feel FABULOUS.
  2. Things have shifted a lot of late in my personal life. I don’t want to go into it as it is rather personal, but I do see this lighter diet as a way of clearing out any remaining negative energy and replacing it with shining prana.
  3. I will not be weighing myself. The reason being…….as a former anorexic the scales can still be the ‘friend I love to hate’. I still believe we live in a society that focuses heavily on weight, calories and we still steer clear of nutritional value.  Therefore I will focus mainly on my emotions/moods, muscle tone and will pay particular attention to how my yoga practice is affected. 
  4. It’s bikini season – girls will totally understand this one.
  5. The first couple of weeks I will be taking psyllium. In fact I have been for the last week or so. Hubby too and he can’t get over what is happening.
  6. I will also be keeping to my daily MSM.
  7. Once a week there will be the water fast.

So in my fridge I have durian, watermelon and cherries. Roll on Thursday 11th June.

Love to all.


My Dad had a heart attack. He’s doing okay. At home, resting, getting bored (he loves his job). Been a stressful time. An emotional time. My folks don’t want me to return home as there is nothing I can do. I just wish I could see my papa, and give him a hug – but he says he is fine. We speak daily, he sounds tired. Scares he to think his heart is scarred.

That is why I haven’t written. Just been in my own world. So hard when you live so far from loved ones. I question if I’m being selfish not going home, but Dad said ‘NO’.

Teaching at the studio has helped. I didn’t tell many people, wanted no fuss, no drama – not into drama. Been teaching A LOT of yoga, subbing five extra classes. Have a new private yoga student as well.

Been eating lots of fruit – strawberries are in season here. Wanted to go strawberry picking this year, but no time. Been munching on grapes too. Simple smoothies- OJ, mango and maca. have some portobello mushrooms in the fridge, think I’ll make some mushie raw sandwiches.

Have found a kitchen to present my classes. Currently working on a menu and what I’d like to discuss. Want to do a bit more reading, so fully prepared.

Need to post my photos from my last workshop, will get onto that.

See you later


Am teaching my second raw food cooking class today.

Can’t wait.

Expect an entry later today


Sorry to have neglected you dear blog. I reason is clear and simple. I had too many ideas, too many things I wanted to say and get done and really didn’t know how to get it all down. Now all seems a little clearer. Angels are guiding me. 

I’m back in Thailand at the new Yoga Thailand.   Now on the south side of Koh Samui. Although the surroundings are a little unfamiliar, just being back here I know I am home. And that is why all seems a little clearer. The madness of Tokyo is far away for the next two weeks. 

I’m here deepening my meditation practice. Working on my pranayama and of course there is my physical asana practice to deepen. On top of that is the glorious fruits that surround me.

Daily Munchings

One hour before class I have MSM and water. Following class as shot of wheatgrass and the spirulina and coconut (am in heaven).

A banana

Juice – orange and mint

Mango and banana

And a lot of water. Important to sip and not gulp, despite wanting to keep the body rehydrated. 

Am mindfully eating. Not wanting to waste food and to eat wit happiness and gratitude.

Hubby and I are off for colonics on Friday. Staring the New year nice and cleansed. Will be back here in march for training so will have another one then.

Am also doing a Reiki level 1 training on Sunday and if I get time before I leave (Jan 5th), may try and squeeze in Level 2. When back in March will do the next level.


Have a lot coming up and I feel it will be a magnificent year. 

Check back tomorrow.


Have been on vacation in the UK.

Will update over the weekend.


love and smiles

…will start on Wednesday.

Over the weekend someone gave us a whole load of lovely goodies – portobello  mushrooms, lychees – things I can’t use during my smoothie/juice feast. so all is nearly finished- so green day 1 will be tomorrow.

So, following on from my last entry, me mentioning my recent visits to the hospital and the findings I have decided on how I am going to deal with this.

Initially I was going to embark on a 30 day green juice feast. I was excited about this and read articles on the internet along with reading various blogs discussing the juice feast. Great website, lots of interesting, cool info. Then I got to thinking. I’m up at 4am most mornings, I do my pranayama and then my ashtanga practice. I can’t get up at 3am and prepare juice. I usually get home at 8.30pm – I don’t want to be preparing juices then. Sometimes I’m home during the day for an hour or two – but the juice thing just seemed too much at this present time. So I have decided to embark on green smoothies- a lot easier. My plan is drink drink about two quarts a day, plus a fruit smoothie. I’ll be doing this for one month – see how I get on, I may take it longer as it’s summer and seems the perfect time to venture on this green path.

So tomorrow will be the first day.

Looking forward to it. Will try and blog all daily and let you know how it is all going.

My Practice

Went and attended two workshops with the wonderful Tias Little . The first three hours was spent on standing poses – engaging heal, inner knee, outer knee, outer thigh. Tough going, but this guy makes it all very light-hearted. The second three hours (yes six hours today) – focussed on the lotus pose and opening the hips. Lotus does not come easy to me. Now this is another reason why I want to change my diet for a while and see if it makes a difference to my hips and pelvis. Anyway, back to the workshops – don’t think I’ll be able to work tomorrow.!!

Check back tomorrow with Green Day 1



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